Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Because of You

Because of You
Song By : Keith Martin

If ever you wondered
If you touched my soul, yes you do
Since I met you I'm not the same
You bring life to everything I do

Just the way you say hello
With one touch I can't let go
Never thought I'd fallen in love with you

Because of you, my life has changed
Thank you for the love and the joy you bring
Because of you, I feel no shame
I'll tell the world it's because of you

Sometimes I get lonely and all I gotta do is think of you
You captured something inside of me
You make all of my dreams come true
It's not enough that you love me for me
You reached inside and touched me internally
I love you best explains how I feel for you

Because of you, my life has changed
Thank you for the love and the joy you bring
Because of you, I feel no shame
I'll tell the world it's because of you

The magic in your eyes, true love I can't deny
When you hold me I just lose control
I want you to know that I'm never letting go
You mean so much to me, I want the world to see
It's because of you.

Because of you, my life has changed
Thank you for the love and the joy you bring
Because of you, I feel no shame
I'll tell the world it's because of you my life has changed
Thank you for the love and the joy you bring
Because of you, I feel no shame
I'll tell the world it's because of you

Spend My Life With You

Spend My Life Wih You
Song By : Eric Benet feat. Tamia
I never knew such a day could come
And I never knew such a love
Could be inside of one

And I never knew what my life was for

But now that you're here I know for sure

I never knew till I looked in your eyes

I was incomplete till the day you walked into my life
And I never knew that my heart could feel
So precious and pure
One love so real

Can I just see you every morning when

I open my eyes
Can I just feel your heart beating beside me
Every night
Can we just feel this way together
Till the end of all time
Can I just spend my life with you

Now baby the days and the weeks

And the years will roll by
But nothing will change the love inside
Of you and I

And baby I'll never find any words

That could explain
Just how much my heart my life
My soul you've changed

Can you run to these open arms

When no one else understands
Can we tell God and the whole world
I'm your woman, and you're my man
Can't you just feel how much I love you
With one touch of my hand
Can I just spend my life with you

No touch has ever felt so wonderful

(You are incredible)
And a deeper love I've never known
(I'll never let you go)
I swear this love is true
(Now and forever to you to you)
Can I just see you every morning when

I open my eyes

Can I just feel your heart beating beside me
Every night
Can we just feel this way together
Till the end of all time
Can I just spend my life with you
Can you run to these open arms

When no one else understands

Can we tell God and the whole world
You're my woman, and you're my man
Can't you just feel how much I love you
With one touch of my hand
Can I just spend my life with you

Can I just spend my life with you

Can I just spend my life with you
(Forever here with you)
Can I just spend my life with you
Can I just see you every morning when I
Open my eyes
Catatan: Ketika aku putar lagu ini di handphone ku dan aku ikut bernyanyi, aku selalu berkhayal bisa berkolaborasi dengan Chansung 2PM.

Eva Sensei was Here

Siapa sih Eva Sensei itu?
Eva Fathia Amalia atau biasa dipanggil Eva dilahirkan di sebuah Rumah Sakit Pemerintah di Kota Bogor (tak perlu disebutkan nama RS nya) pada tanggal 04 Juni tahun 1994. Sejak kecil sudah terlihat bakat mengkhayal yang sangat tinggi dan dapat dipastikan bahwa jika besar nanti menjadi sosok perempuan yang sangat imajinatif dan kreatif.

Sekarang sekolah dimana Eva Sensei?
Eva Sensei masih bersekolah di salah satu sekolah swasta di Kota Bogor yaitu di SMA Plus YPHB Kota Bogor, kelas XII IPS 2 bersama Ibu Iin Yusfitanty, S.Pd beserta kawan-kawan.

Setelah lulus SMA, Eva Sensei akan kemana?
Nikah sama Junho Oppa *OMG! Not TRUE*, Eva Sensei akan melanjutkan studinya ke Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia mengambil jurusan Pendidikan Bahsa Jepang. Maka dari itu, Eva Sensei menyebut dirinya sebagai Sensei (Bahasa Jepang) yang jika diartikan ke Bahasa Indonesia berarti Guru.

Cita-cita Eva Sensei apa sih?
Eva Sensei ingin sekali menjadi seorang Penulis seperti idolanya, Raditya Dika dan Windhy Puspitadewi. Eva Sensei juga ingin menjadi seorang Guru Bahasa Jepang di beberapa sekolah dan tempat kursus. Dan jalan-jalan ke Luar Negeri terutama London dan Jepang adalah cita-cita Eva Sensei sejak SMP.

Apa hobinya Eva Sensei?
Eva Sensei sangat menyukai menulis ESAI, Puisi, Naskah Drama, Cerpen, dan lainnya. Eva Sensei juga sangat meyukai membaca Novel serta bacaan yang menarik. Eva Sensei juga sangat menyukai mendengarkan musik terutama musik Jazz, Pop, dan Slow.

Siapa Idola Eva Sensei?
Robert Pattinson, Tom Felton, Raditya Dika, Lee Junho 2PM, Lee Jonghyun CNBLUE, Lee Sungmin Super Junior.

Apakah Eva Sensei berminat menjadi anggota DPR?

Apa Bahasa Jepangnya Aku Cinta Kamu?
AISHITERU, tapi Bahasa Jepang yang lebih mendalam kata Guru Bahasa Jepang saya adalah No Koto Ga Suki Desu. Bentar deh, kenapa jadi tanya Bahasa Jepangnya Aku Cinta Kamu!?

Jika saya ingin mengetahui Eva Sensei lebih lanjut, bisa dihubungi dimana?
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Sekian dari saya,
Arigatou Gozaimasu,
Douzo Yoroshiku,
Salam Manis, Eva Sensei.