Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Review Film : The Amazing Spider-Man

Seminggu yang lalu, saya dan dua orang teman saya baru saja menonton film yang sudah dinanti-nantikan kehadirannya di bioskop tanah air dan akhirnya pada hari Rabu, 11 Juli 2012, kita bertiga nonton film tersebut. Pada hari sebelumnya, di Mc Donald's kami bertiga sudah merundingkan esok hari akan kemana dan salah satu teman saya mengatakan bagaimana kalau kita nonton saja? Yah, saya dan teman yang satu lagi menyetujui untuk nonton film tersebut.

Yes!!! Hari yang ditunggu akhirnya datang juga dan hari ini jadi nonton. Siap-siap dari jam 08.00 pagi dan kedua teman saya pasti masih tidur walaupun mereka ingat ada janji hari itu. Sambil menunggu BBM dari teman lebih baik mendengarkan lagu dulu di Laptop haha. Menit demi menit, detik demi detik saya lalui dengan menatap layar laptop, argh, mana ini orang-orang yang mau nonton?! Sekitar jam 10.00, teman saya BBM dan mengatakan tunggu di Ruko VIP jam 11.15 yah? Saya jawab, oke. Yihaaa, 1 jam lagi mau berangkat dan nonton film, suatu hal yang sangat jarang dilakukan dengan teman-teman. Akhirnya, jam 11.20 saya berangkat juga ke tempat janjian, yah agak telat sedikit sih. Eh, waktu sampai di sana, ternyata belum ada yang datang juga, ya terpaksa harus menunggu dulu. Tak lama berselang, seorang teman datang juga dan langsung pergi ke tempat bioskop. Setibanya di tempat bioskop, argggghhhhh!!!!! Banyak sekali yang telah mengantri, kapan kita beli tiketnya? Akhirnya, teman saya yang mengantri untuk membeli tiket dan saya tinggal memberinya uang untuk membeli tiket tersebut. Yihaaa, akhirnya dapat juga tiketnya ^^

Yes, I've got a ticket!!!

Akhirnya, kami bertiga masuk ke Studio 3 dan menunggu film yang akan dinonton, yeeey, The Amazing Spider-Man. Sayang sekali, kami bertiga tidak membawa makanan dan minuman ke dalam studio karena kami tidak membelinya :'( Sudahlah, tak menjadi masalah, yang pentingn nonton filmnya :)

 The Amazing Spider-Man Cover

A young Peter Parker discovers his father Richard's study has been broken into. Gathering up hidden documents, Peter's parents take him to the home of his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, then mysteriously depart. Years later, a teenaged Peter attends Midtown Science High School, where he is bullied by Flash Thompson and has caught the eye of Gwen Stacy. At home, Peter finds his father's papers and learns he worked with fellow scientist Dr. Curt Connors at Oscorp. Sneaking into Oscorp, Peter enters a lab where a "biocable" is being created from genetically modified spiders, one of which bites him. On the subway ride home, he discovers that he has developed spider-like abilities.
After studying Richard's papers, Peter visits the one-armed Connors, reveals he is Richard Parker's son, and gives Connors his father's "decay rate algorithm", the missing piece in Connors' experiments on regenerating limbs based on lizard DNA. Connors is being pressured by his superior, Dr. Ratha, to devise a cure for the dying, unseen head of Oscorp, Norman Osborn. In school, Peter gets into trouble after humiliating Flash in an act of revenge. As a result, his uncle is forced to change work shifts in order to meet with the principal; Uncle Ben tells Peter to pick up May tonight for him. Peter neglects his responsibility, instead helping Dr. Connors regenerate the limb of a laboratory mouse. When Peter returns home he gets into an argument with his uncle and storms out of the house. While searching for Peter, Uncle Ben attempts to stop a thief and is shot. The thief escapes as Peter finds his uncle already dead on the sidewalk.
Afterward, Peter uses his new abilities to hunt criminals matching the killer's description. After a fall lands him inside an abandoned gym, a luchador-wrestling poster inspires him to create a mask to hide his identity. He also adds a spandex suit, and builds mechanical devices to attach to his wrists to shoot a biocable "web". Peter accepts a dinner invitation from Gwen, where he meets her father, police captain George Stacy. After dinner, Peter shows Gwen his abilities and they kiss.
After seeing success in the mouse, Ratha demands Connors begin human trials immediately if Osborn is to survive. Connors refuses to rush the drug-testing procedure and put innocent people at risk. Ratha fires Connors and decides to test Connors' serum at a Veterans Administration hospital under the guise of a flu shot. Later, Connors tries the formula on himself. After passing out, he awakens to find his missing arm has regenerated. Learning Ratha is on his way to the VA hospital, Connors, whose skin is growing scaly and green, goes to intercept him. By the time he gets to the Williamsburg Bridge Connors has become a hybrid of lizard and man, tossing cars, including Ratha's, over the side of the bridge. Peter, now calling himself Spider-Man, saves each fallen car with his web-lines.
Spider-Man suspects Connors is the Lizard, and unsuccessfully confronts the creature in the sewers. The Lizard learns Spider-Man's real identity and attacks Peter at school. In response, the police start a manhunt for both Spider-Man and the Lizard. The police corner Spider-Man, where Captain Stacy discovers that he is really Peter. The Lizard plans to make all humans lizard-like by releasing a chemical cloud from Oscorp's tower. Spider-Man eventually disperses an antidote cloud instead, restoring Connors and earlier victims to normal, but not before the Lizard fatally claws Captain Stacy. The dying Stacy makes Peter promise to keep Gwen safe by staying away from her. Peter initially does so, but later suggests to Gwen that he may see her after all.
In a post-credits scene, Connors, in a prison cell, speaks with a man in the shadows who asks if Peter knows the truth about his father. Connors replies, "No", and demands Peter be left alone before the man disappears.

Wah, benar-benar film yang bagus dan layak untuk ditonton. Setelah nonton film, kita bertiga akhirnya makan di Burger King dan bagaimanakah ekspresi wajah mereka setelah menonton The Amazing Spider-Man?

Antara kaget & tidak percaya, Andrew Garfield sangatlah tampan!

Gila!!! Emma Stone cantik banget!!!

Sekian review film dari saya, kalau masih penasaran dengan filmnya, silahkan tonton di bioskop-bioskop terdekat ;)

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